The Centro Técnico De Travesía Martin Avila, is a vocational school that is being constructed in the Garifuna community of Travesia, located in the municipality of Puerto Cortes, on the north coast of Honduras. The launch of this school enables its graduates to obtain hands-on technical skills including but not limited to electricity, welding, auto mechanic, HVAC & refrigeration, plumbing, carpentry, and computer skills, and more. We are committed to helping these students learn the skills they need to be successful in their chosen fields. We are grateful for the commitment, donations, and sponsorships that we received to be able to reach this amazing goal. Please see the description of our planned activities below.
Our goal is to have approximately 70 students per session. One session will consist of 7 trade specializations and 10 students enrolled in each class at max enrollment. Upon the initial launch, we plan to start with two trades which include welding, and auto mechanic. We will later expand into the other trades as funding increases and enrollment picks up.
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